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May 27, 2007

Amazing Spring for FlashSpring

Spring has come bringing warmth, happiness, hope. Everything that was asleep has woken up and begun fruitful activity. The warmth has released rivers, creeks, springs etc from ice. FlashSpring has released new outstanding products. People are enjoying blossom of spring and blossom of four stunning FlashSpring flowers: FlashSpring Pro 2.1, FlashSpring Ultra, FlashSpring Server 2.0 and 2.1. Each of them has its own beauty, peculiarities and has already found devoted admirers.


March was indicated by the release of FlashSpring Server 2.0 that provides PowerPoint to Flash conversion Application Programming Interface (API) that can be used in C#, C++, ASP.NET, ASP, VB and other programming environments. The Server has already recommended itself as a reliable and proven solution for automated PowerPoint to Flash conversion that can be used for creating advanced web-conferencing and e-learning systems.

FlashSpring team has done their best to take into account all the wishes of their users. In April they released FlashSpring Pro 2.1 with such new features as Support of mouse driven animations, improved processing of Master slides and grouped shapes, and others. (For more information concerning FlashSpring Pro 2.1 go to http://www.flashspring.com/overview/whats_new.html )


In May our developers found the source of inspiration in blooming trees and released two more products.

FlashSpring Ultra 2.1 is an innovative product which helps Flash content developers to integrate PowerPoint presentations into their Web-based environment. FlashSpring Ultra converts your presentation into Flash movie providing an ActionScript API for total programmatic control of presentation navigation and playback. This makes possible seamless integration of PowerPoint content into your HTML/JavaScript/Flash or ActionScript based systems.

The second fruit born in May was FlashSpring Server 2.1 with a number of unique features

·         Flash presentation playback control by animation steps

·         Runtime control over mouse and keyboard navigation,

·         Presentation viewing restriction by domain name

·         Player color scheme customization.

Summer is coming, and we have all grounds to say that it will bring still more improvements in the FlashSpring product line.

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